reparenting (
verb) : 1. the act of rewriting one's own history and experiencing different mistakes than those one's parents made (see also, "Family of Choice")
I don’t know anyone who had a happy childhood.
Those people that talk about the wide open spaces and the freedom to roam and play unsupervised when they were growing up neglect to mention that their father never showed up for their soccer games or that their mother got drunk in the middle of the day (not that there's anything wrong with that, except when she packs you and your cousins into a car and drives down a highway going the wrong way).
see -
(For those of you wondering, 'denial' will be another blog entry.)
Even parents now raising their children don't seem to notice that they are contributing to unhappy childhoods. When those kids can't go out and play without a formal 'play date' or go anywhere without turning on the GPS on their mobile telephones for parental tracking, the modern parent simply chalks it up to the times in which we live. No wonder therapists thrive.
I'm not sure that there is such a thing as a happy childhood. Perhaps all children need reparenting when they become adults, much in the way that Eric Schmidt of Google says they need new names and identities upon adulthood - each of us recreating ourselves when we turn 25. (BTW, since when did 25 become the new age for reaching adulthood?).
Maybe this would eliminate the need for therapy since this time around, we would be breastfed, born first, and not named after a piece of fruit.