Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Holiday Disorders Continued

post christmas stress disorder (noun) : the inability to get over the fact that christmas is one day a year (and is over, dude); not to be confused with the more understandable post christmas debt stress disorder

Typically characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:
(1) leaves decorations up past new year's day
(2) makes christmas-gift requests year round
(3) purchases christmas decorations/cards/wrapping paper/gifts on the day immediately following christmas
(4) carries around mistletoe to randomly place over heads of others with the hope of getting a kiss
(5) hugs/kisses others with holiday greetings well into January

We all know someone who suffers. Please remember it's a disorder and the person simply needs help. A bit of slushy, dirty snow slopped onto them by a passing car is known to snap them out of it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Cynic's Holiday Wish

christmas (noun) : a time when each of us gets to reflect upon what we each most deeply and sincerely believe in: money

Just half kidding you guys! Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Holiday Phobia

angoraphobia (noun) : the chronic fear that cousin Harriet from Omaha sent you another homemade gift for christmas

I know we all dread that gift.

Today's definition comes with thanks to Bruce Kluger in a 2003 holiday article in Psychology Today.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Disordered Holiday Spirits

North-Polar Disorder (noun) : the chronic fear that someone is on the roof

(And doing who-knows-what up there)!

Today's definition comes with thanks to Bruce Kluger in a 2003 holiday article in Psychology Today.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ho Ho Phobia

Ho-Ho-Phobia (noun) : a profound fear of rotund, bearded men in red suits and black boots that surfaces earlier and earlier each year as sufferers begin to report frequent sightings of their most feared apparition on street corners, in shop windows and especially on the second Saturday of December when "Santacon" occurs and thousands are found running from bar to bar drinking in cities across the globe

Today's definition comes with thanks to Bruce Kluger in a 2003 holiday article in Psychology Today(!).

I guess even therapists have a sense of humour at times.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Great Psychologists

Maybe it's just me, but when I see a father (Sigmund Freud), daughter (Anna Freud) and old guy (Carl Jung) arm-in-arm and advertised for sale as finger puppets with a couch, all sorts of psychological references come up. And not necessarily anything about which I want to think or blog.

I'll just leave it at that.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


sociopath (noun) : the biggest prick you didn’t realize you knew who causes great harm with no remorse or sense of responsibility; syn: my ex-husband

Hot on the heels of narcissist comes the sociopath!

While not all narcissists are sociopaths, all sociopaths are indeed narcissists. And although the sociopath apparently suffers from what’s called, “antisocial personality disorder" (which apparently is NOT being eliminated next year from the DSM as a personality disorder), that’s no excuse for these jerks to get away with the crap that they do through their lies and manipulations and total disregard for the rights of others or consequences of their actions.

The most well-known category of sociopaths are serial killers/serial rapists, so the big question is why would anyone be involved with one of these creeps? Well, research has shown that the sociopath is usually a person with an abundance of charm and wit, someone who appears friendly and considerate and loving. So we are lulled into the relationship by these seemingly great attributes, unaware that these attributes are superficial and are used merely as a way of blinding us to the nasty personal agenda behind the sociopath’s behaviour.

So if you happen to lack feelings of sympathy, have no sense of remorse, and don’t feel guilt, then this is the disorder for you!

And why would you want to be cured when you can do anything you want without those feelings and still be considered charming and witty?