envy (verb) : wishing one had been born with an unfair advantage, instead of having to try and acquire one
I actually wasn't sure whether envy rated as a part of psychology. I mean, is it an actual disorder or merely a feeling?
No matter - psychiatrists and psychologists embrace it as one of their own! From penis envy to womb envy to ordinary, dyed-in-the-wool envy, it's there in books, magazine articles and, of course, Dr. Freud (for whom penis envy was the female counterpart to male castration anxiety).
There's tidbits on how to channel your envy into something healthy -
- but in the end, maybe it's just healthy to feel envious and wish that you had whatever you envy that someone else has (their life, partner, money, brains, looks, home, job, book deal, movie deal, blog, children, etc.). What the hey - when you're down and feeling sorry for yourself, go for it full on.
Then get your head out of your ass and make some changes in your life. (Remember those new year's resolutions?)
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