New Year's resolution (noun) : 2. the subsistence of a pathological state (as inflammation)
So how many have failed at their resolutions after a week? Uh huh. A writer at Psychology Today tells us that the reason people are unsuccessful at keeping resolutions is because we have an unconscious desire to keep things exactly as they are (and have the exact feelings that we do).
Big pitch for psychoanalysis here, since the only solution presented is to examine the emotions we are avoiding by not changing.
But another solution is just to pick easier resolutions (ones that you already achieve or ones with words like, 'perhaps' and 'maybe'). This is the difference between a winner and a loser in this whole resolution thing-
Winner: I resolve to breathe regularly in the new year. Loser: I resolve to exercise regularly in the new year.
Winner: I resolve to perhaps help more people in the new year, maybe. Loser: I resolve to volunteer regularly in the new year.
Your choice.
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